Theory meets Practice


Welcome to the International Society for Book Studies (IBG) e.V.

The International Society of Book Studies (Internationale Buchwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft, IBG) provides a forum for the study of manuscripts  and printed media, the history of print material, as well as libraries and archives. It is open to scholarly discussion about all aspects of the book trade and publishing practice, and seeks to engage persons with an interest in, and a passion for, the book.  In a time of radical changes in book production and reading habits, the IBG also encourages the study of current developments, such as the digitalisation of texts





Current Events and News
Rühr mich nicht an - Kulturgeschichte des Social Distancing

Virtuelle Ausstellung "Rühr mich nicht an!"

Entdecken Sie die virtuelle Ausstellung zum Thema "Social Distancing" des Papier- und Schriftmuseums der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Leipzig.